Saint Philip's Episcopal Church
Charleston, SC 29401
Hours: Open to the public
Monday - Friday: 8:30a to 4:30p
The current St. Philip's Episcopal Church was constructed from 1835 to 1838 by architect Joseph Hyde, while the steeple, designed by E.B. White, was added a decade later. St. Philip's Episcopal Church was the first Anglican church established south of Virginia.
A unique feature of the church's exterior are three separate Tuscan porticoes, one on each of its Church Street facades. Roman columns and entablatures to the interior were added, as well as high Corinthian arcades and a chancel. The chancel was damaged during the Civil War, when St. Philip's steeple was used for siting during Union bombardment of the city. Bells once encased in the steeple were melted for Confederate cannon.
The view of Church Street at St. Philip's Episcopal Church remains one of Charleston's most photographed spots.