The Boroughs Neighborhood (Charleson SC)
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Fun Things to do in The Buroughs (Charleston SC)
The Boroughs are made up of 5 small neighborhoods:
Radcliffe Borough (aka Radcliffeborough ) -This neighborhood is between Rutledge Avenue and King Street (West to East) and Morris Street to Calhoun Street (North to South).
Anson Borough (aka Ansonborough) - This neighborhood is between Meeting Street and East Bay (West to East) and George Street to Pinckeny Street (North to South). The neighborhood’s streets boast homes built as early as the 1700’s.
Cannon Borough and Elliot Borough (aka Cannonborough and Elliotborough) - These neighborhoods are between President Street and Meeting Street (West to East) and Line Street to Bee Street (North to South).
Wragg Borough (aka Wraggborough) - This neighborhood is between Meeting Street and East Bay (West to East) and Mary Street to Calhoun Street (North to South).
Things to do in The Boroughs
Saint Johannes Lutheran Church
Saint Matthew's German Lutheran Church
Old Citadel, The (Embassy Suites Hotel)
Children’s Museum of the Lowcountry
Cathedral of Saint Luke and Saint Paul